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   Define commands as methods docs ✔️
      Parameter Resolvers
         Inject console and other contexts as a parameter:
         IConsole, CommandContext, CancellationToken & IPrompter by default.
docs ✔️
   Infinite nesting of subcommands docs ✔️
      Nested classes ✔️
      Composed classes ✔️
   Command interception
      interceptors for subcommands
      middleware for all commands
   Method interception
      CommandContext.InvocationPipeline to access method and params
   Positional (Operands) docs ✔️
   Named (Options) docs ✔️
      short and long names: -h or --help, not /help ✔️
      flags: -a instead of -a true docs ✔️
      bundling/clubbing: -a -b -c or -abc docs ✔️
      value assignments: -a one, -a=one & -a:one docs ✔️
   Define arguments as parameters in methods docs ✔️
   Define arguments as properties in POCOs docs ✔️
Data Types
   Primitives, Enums & Nullable< T > docs ✔️
   Collections docs ✔️
   Dictionaries #251
   Password: mask value in logs and output with ***** docs ✔️
   Any type with a string constructor docs ✔️
   Any type with a static Parse(string) method docs ✔️
   Any type with a TypeConverter docs ✔️
   Custom Type Descriptors
      Customize parsing and the type name shown in help and
docs ✔️
   Define allowed values by type
      Allowed values are shown in help and will soon be used for suggestions
docs ✔️
Argument Values
   Response Files docs ✔️
   Piped Input docs ✔️
      Streaming docs ✔️
   Prompts docs ✔️
      Hide passwords docs ✔️
      Multi-entry for collections docs ✔️
      Auto prompt for missing arguments (optional) docs ✔️
   Default from EnvVar docs ✔️
   Default from AppSetting docs ✔️
   FluentValidation for argument models docs ✔️
   DataAnnotations docs ✔️
   Autocomplete #48
   Typo suggestions docs ✔️
   Auto generated help
      Aliases: -? -h --help
docs ✔️
   Custom help generators docs ✔️
   App Version
      _-v or --version
docs ✔️
   [debug] directive
      step into debugger
docs ✔️
   [time] directive
      outputs the execution time of a command
docs ✔️
   [parse] directive docs ✔️
      show final values ✔️
      show inputs and source
         original source of value, including response file paths
      show defaults and source
         including key if from EnvVar or AppSetting
   Command logging
      show parse output and optionally system info and app config
docs ✔️
Testing docs
   BDD Framework
      Test an app as if run from the console
   Supports parallel test
      the whole framework avoids static state to support parallel test runs
   TestConsole ✔️
      new TestDependencyResolver{ dbSvc, httpSvc }
   TempFiles helper
      create and cleanup files used for tests
   Capture State
      Capture state within a run to help test custom middleware components
Dependency Injection docs
   MicrosoftDependencyInjection ✔️
   Autofac ✔️
   SimpleInjector ✔️
   Test injector docs ✔️
   Custom ✔️
Localization (beta)
   IStringLocalizer pattern docs ✔️
   resx translation files
      currently english only. PRs accepted.
src ✔️
   json translation pattern
      currently english only. PRs accepted.
src ✔️
   Culture directive
      set the culture a command will run in
docs ✔️
   Test support docs ✔️
   Ctrl+C docs ✔️
   Name casing
      consistent name casing via Humanizer
docs ✔️
   Spectre AnsiConsole
      ansi, colors, markup syntax, prompting, progress bars, tables. live displays, test capture, and much more
docs ✔️
   Custom middleware docs ✔️
   Custom directives docs ✔️
   Custom token transformations docs ✔️
   Custom parameter resolvers docs ✔️
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